Gold Vector Logo

Pastel bevel Swirl Frame

This beautiful watercolor of 'Callalilys'
was painted by Winifred Lee.
It is used with permission from the artist.
You may visit her site here


Supplies Needed...
Paint Shop Pro - Version 8
Graphic of your choice.
Gold corners of your choice.
Eye Candy 5 Textures - Swirl.
Alf's Border FX - Mirror Bevel

1. Open your graphic.
Windows - Duplicate twice. Close original.

2. Choose two soft colors from your graphic
for the Foreground and Background Colors.
I used #DAD8A8 and #EFC8C3.

3. Click on Foreground and choose gradient -
angle 45
repeats 5

4. Image - Add borders - white - 4px.
Select with magic wand.
Floodfill with chosen gradient.
Selections - Select None

5. Image - Add borders - white - 10px.
Floodfill with contrasting color, picked from your graphic.

6. Repeat Step 4.

7. Selections - Select all. Selections modify - Contract by 18
Selections - Invert.
Effects - Texture Effects - Mosaic Glass with the following settings...

Mosaic Glass settings

8. Selections Invert - New Raster Layer
Effects - 3D Effects - Cutout, with these settings:
V 10, H 10, opacity 100, blur 40, Shadow color - #D49F91,
or choose a deeper color from your particular graphic.

9. New raster layer.
Repeat cutout, except change V and H to minus 10.
Selections - Invert.

Layers - Merge all flattened.

10. Image - Add borders - white - 25px.

Select with your magic wand.

11. Make second copy of graphic active.
Edit - Copy

12. Make original graphic active.
Edit - Paste - Into selection.
Keep selected.

13. Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur - Radius 9
Keep Selected

14. Effects - Eye Candy 5 Textures - Swirl - With the following settings...

EC Textures 5 Swirl Settings

15. Effects - 3D Effects - Inner bevel - With the following settings...

Inner Bevel Settings

16. Selections - Select None.

17. Repeat Steps 4, 5, 6, and 7.
Keep selected.

18. Effects - 3D effects - Drop Shadow - With the following settings...

Drop Shadow Settings

Repeat drop shadow, but change the V and H to minus 3.
Selections - Select None.

19.Image - Add borders - White - 45px.
Select with magic wand.

20. Repeat Steps 11, 12, 13, and 14.
Keep Selected.

21. Effects - Texture Effects - Mosaic Glass
Same settings as before.

22. Repeat Steps 4, 5, 6 and 7. Keep Selected.

23. Repeat Step 18.

24. Selections - Select all.
Selections - Modify - Contract by 63. Selections - Invert.

25. Effects - Plugins - Alfs Border FX - Mirror bevel...
using the following settings.

Mirror Bevel Settings

Apply this effect three times.
Selections - Select none.

26. Open up a decorative corner of your choice.
Edit - Copy.

27. Make your graphic active.
Edit - Paste as a new layer. Move into place in upper left corner.

28. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow,
with the following settings:
V 1, H 1, opacity 30, blur 1, color - black.

29. In layer palette, R-click on layer 1- duplicate.
Image - Mirror

30. In layer palette, close off Background layer.
Be sure that one of the other layers is active, and merge visible.

31. R-click on merged layer - Duplicate.
Image - Flip.
Merge - All Flattened.

32. Add your name or watermark, Resize, and Save as jpg.


Below is a sample of this frame created by my good friend Blue.
Thank you , Blue.

Frame created by Blue


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Dianne McFarlane

©Vision Designs