This beautiful watercolor of 'Callalilys'
was painted by Winifred Lee.
It is used with permission from the artist.
You may visit her site
Supplies Needed...
Paint Shop Pro - Version 8
Graphic of your choice.
Gold corners of your choice.
Eye Candy 5 Textures - Swirl.
Alf's Border FX - Mirror Bevel
1. Open your graphic.
Windows - Duplicate twice. Close original.
2. Choose two soft colors from your graphic
for the Foreground and Background Colors.
I used #DAD8A8 and #EFC8C3.
3. Click on Foreground and choose gradient -
angle 45
repeats 5
4. Image - Add borders - white - 4px.
Select with magic wand.
Floodfill with chosen gradient.
Selections - Select None
5. Image - Add borders - white - 10px.
Floodfill with contrasting color, picked from your graphic.
6. Repeat Step 4.
7. Selections - Select all. Selections modify - Contract by 18
Selections - Invert.
Effects - Texture Effects - Mosaic Glass with the following settings...
8. Selections Invert - New Raster Layer
Effects - 3D Effects - Cutout, with these settings:
V 10, H 10, opacity 100, blur 40, Shadow color - #D49F91,
or choose a deeper color from your particular graphic.
9. New raster layer.
Repeat cutout, except change V and H to minus 10.
Selections - Invert.
Layers - Merge all flattened.
10. Image - Add borders - white - 25px.
Select with your magic wand.
11. Make second copy of graphic active.
Edit - Copy
12. Make original graphic active.
Edit - Paste - Into selection.
Keep selected.
13. Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur - Radius 9
Keep Selected
14. Effects - Eye Candy 5 Textures - Swirl - With the following settings...
15. Effects - 3D Effects - Inner bevel - With the following settings...
16. Selections - Select None.
17. Repeat Steps 4, 5, 6, and 7.
Keep selected.
18. Effects - 3D effects - Drop Shadow - With the following settings...
Repeat drop shadow, but change the V and H to minus 3.
Selections - Select None.
19.Image - Add borders - White - 45px.
Select with magic wand.
20. Repeat Steps 11, 12, 13, and 14.
Keep Selected.
21. Effects - Texture Effects - Mosaic Glass
Same settings as before.
22. Repeat Steps 4, 5, 6 and 7. Keep Selected.
23. Repeat Step 18.
24. Selections - Select all.
Selections - Modify - Contract by 63. Selections - Invert.
25. Effects - Plugins - Alfs Border FX - Mirror bevel...
using the following settings.
Apply this effect three times.
Selections - Select none.
26. Open up a decorative corner of your choice.
Edit - Copy.
27. Make your graphic active.
Edit - Paste as a new layer. Move into place in upper left corner.
28. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow,
with the following settings:
V 1, H 1, opacity 30, blur 1, color - black.
29. In layer palette, R-click on layer 1- duplicate.
Image - Mirror
30. In layer palette, close off Background layer.
Be sure that one of the other layers is active, and merge visible.
31. R-click on merged layer - Duplicate.
Image - Flip.
Merge - All Flattened.
32. Add your name or watermark, Resize, and Save as jpg.
Below is a sample of this frame created by my good friend Blue.
Thank you , Blue.
Dianne McFarlane
©Vision Designs